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The Panther Reference is a comprehensive guide that provides detailed information about the Panther, a large wild cat known for its strength, agility, and distinctive appearance. Panthers are often associated with the black leopard or black jaguar, which are melanistic variants of these species. Below are some key details about the Panther, including its habitat, behavior, diet, and conservation status.

Habitat and Distribution

  • Panthers are primarily found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, particularly in the dense forests of Central and South America.
  • They prefer habitats that offer ample cover for stalking prey, such as rainforests, swamps, and mountainous areas.
  • In the United States, the Florida panther is a subspecies that inhabits the swamps and forests of southern Florida.

Behavior and Social Structure

  • Panthers are solitary animals, with males and females coming together only for mating.
  • They are primarily nocturnal, hunting at night and resting during the day.
  • Panthers are known for their stealth and ability to climb trees, which they use to escape predators and stalk prey.


  • Panthers are carnivorous and have a diverse diet that includes deer, wild boar, small mammals, and birds.
  • They are ambush predators, relying on their keen senses and powerful bodies to catch prey.

Conservation Status

  • The Florida panther is classified as endangered, with an estimated population of fewer than 200 individuals.
  • Habitat loss due to urban development and road construction poses significant threats to their survival.
  • Conservation efforts include habitat restoration, wildlife corridors, and public education to reduce human-wildlife conflict.

Contact Information
For more information on Panther conservation efforts, you can reach out to the following organizations:

Organization Name Contact Person Email Address Phone Number
Panther Conservation Fund Dr. Jane Smith (555) 123-4567
Wildlife Protection Agency Mr. John Doe (555) 987-6543
National Park Service Ms. Emily Johnson (555) 555-1212

Key Facts about Panthers

  • Panthers can weigh between 100 to 250 pounds, depending on the species.
  • They have a powerful bite, capable of crushing bones.
  • The average lifespan of a panther in the wild is around 10 to 15 years.

The Panther is a remarkable and elusive creature that plays a vital role in its ecosystem. Understanding their behavior, habitat, and the challenges they face is crucial for their conservation. Through dedicated efforts and awareness, we can help ensure the survival of these magnificent animals for future generations.

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